Drip irrigation system DIY

Post from Editorials

The method of drip irrigation saves water, time and effort, getting optimal for watering the plants on the terrace, in the garden and in pots.

Drip irrigation system DIY
Francesca Panico
Francesca Panico

Irrigate the green in comfort

When it comes to watering and irrigation of the terrace or garden is automatical to think of buckets and watering cans, available time and effort; a number of things that might discourage even those who have a deep passion for the outdoors, including personal care of their green space.

irrigazione a goccia con kit goccia per terrazza di Claber
An automatic irrigation system, with ad hoc design, can certainly come handy. The type of soil plays an important role so that our terrace or balcony is fully cured, given the problems that may result from the stagnation of water or excessive drainage.

It is of fundamental importance for the adoption of a solution that allows uniform coverage of the area to be watered.
When making our choice on the type of irrigation system, are taken into account the following elements: the availability of water in the area; the composition of the soil; the types of plants that inhabit the terrace.

Opting for the installation of an automatic irrigation system, allows us also to go on holiday in absolute peace, taking care of our beloved plants throughout the period of absence.

Kit goccia per giardino di Claber: irrigatore
A viable solution is definitely the drip system, which saves water, time and effort, getting optimal irrigation.
Give the correct amount of water to each plant, in the best moment of the day: this is the fundamental concept of drip irrigation.

In fact, watering with the right daily and a perfectly calibrated water amount keeps the soil well oxygenated and encourages the development of healthy plants, vigorous and beautiful, requiring less pressure than conventional systems.

In addition, you can specify a frequency of irrigation waste, lower on clay soils, where water penetrates slowly than on sandy soils, where instead it reaches deep with a higher speed.

Drip irrigation method

The drip system and micro-irrigation offer an extreme variety of specific solutions for each individual plant and area to wet.
Claber, a leader in the world of irrigation, offers different solutions able to face any kind of need.

For flowers, plants and shrubs are recommended microirrigators Claber at 90, 180 and 360 degrees, as well as the drippers with variable flow or self-compensating, all characterized by the possibility to avoid the water waste, directing it towards the root system of the plant .

For tight and long surfaces, as the borders, it is good to use the strip micro-sprinklers.
With their fine rain, the micronebulizers are indicated in the case of small surfaces or plants with delicate flowers. Surfaces such as beds or large portions of grass require rotating micronebulizer 360 degrees.
All micro-sprinklers can be installed on rods mounted on sturdy pegs: the height of the jet can thus be adjusted as desired according to the height of the plants.
Although the range of the Spray can be changed with the appropriate valve adjustment.

Flower beds on the terrace: to build an irrigation drip really DIY

Terrace Drip Kit is a new set that extends the family of kits for drip irrigation Claber. It is a comprehensive system designed to accurately and precisely water plants on balconies, terraces and flower beds.

Kit goccia per terrazzo di Claber
The adjustable flow drippers line plus supplied in the kit, thus adapting the water flow to the needs of different plants and the equipment of the system allows you to define any layout. The adjustment is comfortable, without twisting of the capillary tube.
With Terrace Drip Kit you can ensure watering up to 50 plants.

Kit a goccia per terrazzo di Claber: confezione
All components are easily disassembled for easy cleaning which guarantees the use season after season; Moreover, the instructions for installation are reported directly on the packaging, are easy and intuitive, allowing even to non-experts to create an excellent system of drip irrigation DIY!

The kit includes:
- 1 multi threads socket 1/2 "- 3/4"
- 1 automatic coupling
- 1 manifold 25m
- 1 tap for collector
- 5 elbow fittings
- 15 fittings 1/2 "- 1/4"
- 1 capillary tube 25 m
- 50 pickets for capillary
- 1 dripper line 0/10 l / h
- 20 drippers EOL 0/10 l / h
- 1 cap for manifold

Vegetable garden and greenhouse with drip irrigation Garden Drip Kit

Even vegetables and greenhouse plants need a diversified irrigation, to respect their natural needs and promote healthy growth and lush, as well as a tasty harvest.

The species that have a particularly delicate relationship with the water, such as tomatoes, may be irrigated with drippers, avoiding the risk of stagnation, possible cause of the occurrence of fungi. Salad and land newly sown, however, are watered from above, with micronebulizers mounted on rods: so it will produce a fine rain, very similar to the natural one.

Kit a goccia per giardino di Claber
Garden Drip Kit is a system Claber specifically designed for watering plants in our gardens. The drippers, at the end of the line and the sprinklers are adjustable and allow you to adjust the water flow to different needs, ensuring irrigation always accurate without those dangerous stagnant water, absolutely unhealthy for cultivations.

Garden Drip Kit can water up to 60 plants, distributed in 6 beds.
Even for this DIY system installation is very simple and shown in the pack; the elements are easy to clean with the ability to easily disassemble them.

The kit includes:
- 40 drippers end of line
- 20 drip sprinklers
- 1 tube piercer winder
- 1 tube manifold 25 m
- 35 pickets
- 1 socket 3/4 "
- 1 automatic coupling
- 6 taps for manifold
- 11 fittings 3-way
- 7 elbow fittings
- 12 caps fine line 1/2 "
- 10 caps capillaries

Programmable Rain

To take care of our plants with no waste in terms of energy, the ideal solution is to combine the two DIY kits for drip irrigation with an automation system that reduces and optimizes water consumption, ensuring a constant watering during periods of prolonged absence.

Programmatore Tempo Hybrid di Claber
It is called Tempo Hybrid, the new programmer with an integrated solar panel that absorbs solar energy, accumulating it in a supercapacitor of new generation.

It works even when the weather is cloudy or if the programmer is not directly exposed to sunlight. 100% of the energy required by Tempo Hybrid is provided directly and free of charge from the sun; AA battery to be inserted inside the unit has just one function of reserve power, to face extraordinary needs, in all weather conditions.

Thanks to its innovative hybrid technology is ready for use, without having to wait any time charge.

Programmatore Tempo Hybrid di Claber
Tempo Hybrid by Claber is also equipped with a large backlit display, to make accessible and readable the amount of information available. The electronic part is sealed, the front panel is made of bi-material and protected by a transparent cover, against the weather.

In addition, it is designed for a simple and flawless connection with a rain sensor RAIN SENSOR, functioning also as wireless RAIN SENSOR RF radio frequency, through optional interface.

This device really smart stops the program, in case of rain, and then automatically resume at the appointed time, when good weather returns.
Programmed irrigation is so perfectly balanced and without any waste of resources. A summary of design, technology and ecology to water their green spaces with maximum reliability, efficiency, comfort and environmental sustainability.

Drip irrigation for the plants in the house

As for irrigation within the walls of the house Claber offers IDRIS®, an innovative irrigation system, which uses the classic plastic bottles in use for a all or a container of water individually designed for automatic watering potted plants.

Idris di Claber, con bottiglia di plastica e con un contenitore speciale
At home, on the balcony, in the office, wherever there are pot plants, Idris® water them easily! With a single product, it resolves any problem of irrigation in pots.

This system is equipped with an adjustable tripod, four drippers interchangeable with different capacities (10, 15, 20 and 30 cl per day) for watering in calibrated manner all the different types of plants, quadruple threaded coupling, for use with all types of plastic bottles on the market and it does not need electricity for its operation.

Made of plastic material resistant and washable, Idris® is tested and is 100% reliable, it does not fear limestone and it lasts forever. Claber has created, in addition, a special container for the water to be used together with Idris, as an alternative to common plastic bottles of the supermarket.

Idris di Claber, con e senza bottiglia
The special tank is elegant and comfortable; you can fill it from the entrance top, without removing it from the jar and you can view the amount of water contained in it, using the appropriate scale.
The use of Idris® is easy: just insert the dripper best suited to the type of plant to water, fill the tank with water, insert the tip into the ground and our potted plants grow healthy and lush!

Who to contact

Claber From Claber, Italian company of reference in the world of irrigation, you can find all the most advanced devices for watering plants in the garden at home.

Idris, Terrace and Garden drip kit are among the range of products to mark Claber, the result of careful research, innovative technology and rigorous testing, designed to live green space freely, taking care of the plants in the most suitable and without stress.
For further information please: tel +39 0434 958836 or visit www.claber.com

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