Living paintings made from plants as indoor decoration

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Even those who do not have green fingers, however, can have plants at home, some of them for real love of nature, others simply for aesthetic reasons.

Living paintings made from plants as indoor decoration
Arch. Raffaella Pierri
Arch. Raffaella Pierri

Decorating with plants

Decorating with plants Even those who do not have the true, classic green fingers, however love having green at home: some of them because of actual and unconditional love towards nature, wanting to witness it in the house; others want to improve the indoor microclimate thanks to the beneficial effects of plants; others simply for aesthetic reasons, because, as they say, green decorates...

Well, whatever the reasons, green is a part, to all intents and purposes, of our own way to think about decor. Until a few years ago that resulted in settling here and there houseplants in various corners of the house, depending on the available space and optimal natural light in the rooms.

For the lucky ones who have terraces, balconies and covered spaces available, well they are only Ortisgreen. spoiled for choice, as they could even arrange small greenhouses or small green areas for relaxation.

A real novelty in recent years have been the so called vertical gardens and paintings made from plants, real flower arrangements that use a suitable vegetable substrate to ensure the supply of water and nutrients for plants.

The idea can be resolutive in case of too small spaces available, which would push to renounce the presence of plants. Even with wider spaces, however, it would be quite an innovative idea to complement the presence of greenery in the house, in addition to the classical flower vases.

Hanging an oasis on home's walls

Ortisgreen. Ortisgreen is a company specialized in creating vertical gardens, all Made in Italy. Its living walls made from plants are of various sizes, even small, because this would not be certainly the reason to influence the aesthetics of this kind of decoration.

The painting made from plant is therefore what can be defined as the natural evolution of the concept of green wall , the garden for interiors which develops vertically. Even small plant paintings, in fact, are suitable for the purpose, thanks to their following the dynamic nature harmony with all its inimitable nuances.

During Macef 2013 Ortisgreen presented the new product HOH!, innovative and with simple design, to be customized to suit your taste, suitable for any home environment.
Ortisgreen. HOH!
The name HOH! actually stands for Hang Oasis Home, which expresses in a concise but clear way a new conception of green decor at home: green to hang like a picture.

The new paintings made from plant are small wall flowerbeds, to hang in the living room, in the hallway, in the office, in hotels and wellness centers.

HOH! consists of a plastic container of small dimensions, 38x27x7 cm, equipped with several holes where to insert the different plant species to be chosen. Its maintenance is minimal, thanks to the substrate of sphagnum that is of use to feed the mix of plants and that requires simple manual watering.

Decorating with green: 3 easy steps

Ortisgreen. There are 3 simple steps you must do to make a decoration with plants: select, insert and hang. And, in fact, Choose!-Insert!-Hang! are the passwords, the title of this new experience by Ortisgreen, created to allow you to give a natural touch to any interior, with the same ease with which you choose and hang a simple picture, with the same decorative ability, thanks to the possibility to determine the volumes of the plants and their different shades and colors.

Stabilized plants for your paintings

LinfaDecor. Alternative to plant paintings of this type are paintings made from stabilized plants, which are based on a new concept of natural decorations both in domestic spaces and commercial and public ones.

They consist of plants treated in a completely natural and ecological way, that maintain their appearance, aroma and freshness for years, without any need of land, water or light.

LinfaDecor proposes both stabilized plants and stabilized plant paintings, where the stabilization process is to replace the sap with a product of stabilizing treatment that allows them to have a life cycle of 10 years.

In practice, plants and flowers are harvested when they are at the top of their florescence and placed in a stabilization room where an ideal microclimate is recreated in terms of moisture, heat and light, constantly monitored. LinfaDecor.

In this environment plants are immersed in tanks containing a solution consisting of glycerin, water and food colouring. Within a few days the sap evaporates, replaced by this new mixture. The plants are then rinsed and suspended for a few days in the drying room.

The advantages of a solution with plants thus treated are varied, as these plants do not require any type of maintenance, nor undergo the typical problems due possibly to the fact of being in closed environments, perhaps with little light or not illuminated at all, nor are sensitive to temperature changes during the change of seasons, when there could be, at times, thermal shock caused by heaters or air conditioners.

The result is a special way to decorate with plants, combining attractive appearance, flexibility and freshness of natural vegetation to the practicality of the artificial one.

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