Maintenance of photovoltaic system

Post from Editorials

The maintenance and post-sale of photovoltaic systems require service packages with staff and equipment.

Maintenance of photovoltaic system
Arch. Silvio Indaco
Arch. Silvio Indaco

Now the market of technologies for renewable energy generation is joined to all the effects of the economy of our country, thanks to new regulations that require the use of certain construction projects and the well-known economic stimulus packages still hold a market quite widespread and flourishing, despite the weight of the current economic crisis.

Where the commercial sector linked, in particular, the PV is widely branched and spread throughout the country, with sales offers on panels and inverters from all over the world, thus providing a good and full competition on quality and price of the main components, evident that there are also other commercial spaces to be filled so that the market settles in a positive way in a condition of optimal balance.

Ingeteam: programma Operation & Maintenance One of the important areas of the photovoltaic industry, which began to be covered with attractive offers is that of after-sales services, including, in particular those of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance as well as the optimization of the management, the latter condition definitely very important for all plants but in particular for large ones.

Management and after-sales service

An interesting and comprehensive range of after-sales services offers it Ingeteam , a company that already manages over 2300 MWatt of wind farms and 400 MWatt of solar energy systems as O & M Contractor in the world: the proposed new service on the Italian market for all Owners of a photovoltaic system is a full-service operation and maintenance and a program of planned maintenance in order to maximize the performance of each system.

The package of quality services that the company offers is designed to optimize the yield of each plant by continuous monitoring of the operating conditions and performance, as well as maintenance and improvement and expert advice Ingeteam: programma Operation & Maintenance technical and administrative. In particular, we propose to prospective clients Italians Control services for the production of energy, incident management, report on the operation; interventions Preventive and corrective maintenance of inverters, resolution and repairs and maintenance report, inventory management; technical assistance, re-engineering and consulting services for the management of administrative practice relating to plants and assessment of returns.

In partnership with SeaSide, point of reference on the national scene for advice in the field of renewable energy and optimizing energy performance, Ingeteam in its services pays particular attention to integrated measures of energy saving, continuous optimization of energy production, ensuring therefore maximum efficiency for plants of each customer, which enhance the economic investment made by customers.

Elpo: pacchetto servizi post-vendita - Pulizia moduli FV Aware that the maintenance and cleaning of the PV maximize profits is a given at the base of the proposals of after sales services of Elpo , a leading global for photovoltaics. With the knowledge that the optimization of productivity requires constant monitoring with punctual checks and preventive maintenance and cleaning of the modules and the surrounding green toMember ground systems, Elpo proposes a package of assistance and after-sales service that includes all routine maintenance and repairs, with the advantage of being able to take advantage of advanced technologies and equipment of last generation, among them the exclusive Solarclean machine with sliding arm with a total area of 17 meters for cleaning solar panels .

Made of specific Committee of Elpo by the Italian firm Hymach, this very special machine is characterized by an arm of the size up to now unpublished, for specific interventions on installations on the roofs, applied to a self-propelled tracked, chosen from Elpo to ensure maximum stability even on uneven terrain.

The exceptional size of the sliding arm, which can reach a total extension of 17 meters with an aluminum head with a working width of 1.75 m useful opp. 3.30 m, provides for a smooth and careful cleaning of the photovoltaic panels, also thanks to the system of Elpo: pacchetto servizi post-vendita - Particolar macchina Solarcleane braccio distancing automatic head by means of sensors, that allows to maintain a constant distance between the panels and the brush in order to avoid any damage of the PV modules installed on the roofs, targeted by the intervention of cleaning.

An added value of certainty of the protection of the modules is given by the special bristles filiform scratch resistant material, which ensure the removal of dirt without altering the surface. Thanks to the dimensions of the arm, the solution is suitable for cleaning large installations even on roofs (over 100 kWp). For this reason, the exclusive cleaning system Elpo is particularly suitable for the owners of installations of industrial warehouses and farms.

At the level of commercial offer, the Elpo offers a comprehensive package of assistance and after-sales service which monitors the productivity of PV systems 24 hours on 24, thanks to an operations center equipped with the best software for alarm management, a park means all equipped with GPS system to locate the nearest area of ??intervention and specialized personnel.

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