Artificial stone

Post from Editorials

The artificial stone is a natural material used to coat the interior and exterior walls of a building, contributing to the energy efficiency of the building.

Artificial stone
Ing. Gilda Montesano
Ing. Gilda Montesano

The importance of the building envelope

When designing a building envelope are many the aspects to consider. First of all the quality of an environment that has the purpose of ensuring the comfort of the occupants and the need to achieve energy saving.

parete in geopietra

The artificial stone wall or regenerate (also commonly known as geopietra) is just the ideal solution. To achieve maximum results we studied the right composition and stratigraphy of the exterior wall of the house according to the different climatic needs.
In a casing should always be kept under control parameters such as insulation, ventilation and orientation, fundamental to obtain ideals confort values.

What a geopietra wall is made of

The artificial stone wall is a coating consisting of the most different materials, natural stone or regenerate, adhesive plaster, in perfect harmony with each other.

Among its features it boasts: lightweight, breathability, perfect balance between inertia and thermal resistance, all connotations that have made possible the application also on exterior walls of houses, after the isolation layer.

One of the companies specialized in the realization of this coating is geopietra, which currently serves excellent finish made in regenerate stone and brick that meets the needs of insulating coatings.

Geopietra offers the possibility of endless combinations to restore old walls or invent new ones.

parete in geopietra The shades, textures, profiles and finishes always different interventions allow recovery of entire rural centers where the raw material is natural and original hard to find.

Coatings in geopietra proposed are perfect when paired with modern building materials such as wood, insulating blocks, etc.
They respect the characteristics of each substrate and manage to create a unique finish, indistinguishable from the original, technically advanced and guaranteed over time.

Also the company Tecnopietra proposes the regenerate stone as a wall covering.
This is considered a perfect material, suitable for application in many fields of application. It is versatile and widely used in the building industry for its environmental friendliness and simplicity in installation.

parete in pietra tecnopietra

The regenerate stone produced by tecnopietra is obtained from the milling of the true Tuscan stone recomposed with exclusively handmade processing, after its processing and ripening cycle in adeguate plants, it achieves technical characteristics, visual and tactile in all respects similar to natural stone.

parete in pietra tecnopietra This coating ensures durability and robustness for a long time, it can be used both inside and outside, thanks to its very low water absorption and do not undergo any alteration of any kind, even following attacks by atmospheric agents .

The regenerate stone is also very suitable to protect those areas of the building where moisture could create damage.

Typical features and advantages of a wall in geopietra

Laying and finishing of stone in the realization of a wall are fundamental steps that can influence the final effect of the coating in geopietra.

parete in geopietra Each stone wall is unique and is achieved according to the taste and needs of the client.

A wall in geopietra, if made in a workmanlike manner, manages to marry perfectly to the excellent aesthetic results that recalls the ancient building techniques, interpreting the past in a modern way, with an excellent functional outcome, just dictated by the characteristics of the wall and the elements that compose it.

The coating in regenerate stone can be applied to surfaces structurally strong, constructed in accordance with good building practices, such surfaces must be able to sustain over time the weight of about 50 kg/ sq m.

The adhesive, however, must be chosen so as to be able to find the sufficient adhesion to support the tensions that are created between the coating and the structure.
These tensions, if excessive, and if not contained properly, can cause the detachment of the coating in the fall that will take away with them also a possible layer of insulation or exterior plaster of the wall.

parete in geopietra Contrary to what you might think, the main problem is not given by the weight of the stone but by the different thermal expansion of the materials, due to seasonal changes, temperature, drying.
The perfect anchorage between the base and coating dramatically decreases the chances of detachment.
For this reason, the phase of installation must be performed carefully respecting also the required drying time.

The regenerate stone is very popular in the construction field for both unmatched aesthetic qualities and because it can bring numerous benefits to energy efficiency of buildings.

parete in geopietra This is because the system that composes the wall consists of geopietra, from the adhesive and the lightened mortar, constitutes a coating can improve the performance of thermal insulation outside, avoiding dispersions.

The coating also has a good fire resistance, also rather prolonged in time, favoring the evacuation of buildings during a fire.

Worthy of note are the acoustic performance of a coating; in this case, the wall in geopietra, has an irregular jagged that favors breaking of the sound wave.
At the same time its mass, rather substantial, overlapping to that structural decreases the propagation of sound.

The wall in geopietra therefore constitutes a good compromise between art and functionality.
Each wall has a rhythm and a different story that make the unique environment and improve its characteristics making it more comfortable.

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