The protection from the sun with simple systems that allow the passage of light, has become one of the topics on the agenda, especially when you are in very sunny areas, in which these elements are fundamental to the well-being of those living in that space.
When you design the windows in a house, you usually focus on the size, in fact the bigger the initial hole, the most beautiful will be the facade and greater will be the solar access. The advantages of all this illumination, are especially during winter, when the contribution of light from the outside, it helps to improve the comfort within an environment.
During summer instead, we look for shielding from the excessive sunshine, that could put us in a difficult position in terms of comfort.
For this reason, modern technology has created the dynamic dimming systems, which manage with their operation based on light sensitive systems, to limit the warming of the environment, not to mention the function of protection from wind and rain, especially during winter.
These items are not curtains or blinds but are sunscreens, which are called so because with their structure and shape can interrupt the solar radiation, thus making it weaker.
The shading is considered an innovative system of shielding from the sun, because it has a technical function of limiting the cost of summer cooling, and because it has shape and construction that deviate from traditional solutions, even in the context of traditional wooden shutters.
This can be achieved with different materials, but lately is spreading the use of wood because of the characteristics of this material and especially for its aesthetic, that nowadays in a dwelling has a big importance.
The shading in wood, as well as being an element with a technical function, also becomes an element of design, because wood is a very versatile material, with different hues and shades, that make of an element with purely technical functions, a piece of furniture, which if necessary, can be customized according to the needs and tastes of the customer.
The wooden shading is an element that can have a fixed structure, sliding, folding or lifting better known as a knee structure.
In the case of movable shading, their movements can be controlled by automatic systems, or it can also be manual, this usually is preferred for those houses that do not have an inside automation systems.The fixed sunbreaker, in function of the solar diagram, is oriented, allowing to shade the areas of glass in the middle of the day during the summer, while maintaining a cost rather content.
The movable shading, instead, allows you to adjust the brightness of the environment on the basis of more or less sunny days, thanks to the adjustable slats.
The shading made entirely in wood has characteristics of most protection from the sun than the one in aluminum because of its lower thermal transmittance. A company that is responsible for the market diffusion of this type of shading in wood is Rollbau Lab, the proposed solutions are the most varied and of course adaptable to every situation; sometimes they are also custom designed.
Generally the opening system of these wooden shadings is of the sliding type, thus presents a system of mechanical activation, equipped with a motor and tracks along which the slats of the shading wood can slide. Another company is the renowned Galimberti, which specializes in the use of wood in open environments. Obviously, the wooden shading is used both to create shading, for energy savings and for the comfort within the house where these are installed.
The shadings have precisely the function to stop the heat before it enters the apartment, just for this reason it is recommended to place them outside the frame. In general, since the direct solar shielding is ensured by the shadings, the glass of the casing may be a simple transparent glass, and not necessarily one of those reflective glass or low heat absorption, which tend only to decrease the brightness within environment, making it less comfortable.