DIY decorations for Halloween

Post from Editorials

Even in Italy has long been celebrated Halloween: making the house in line with the spirit of the festival will be fun, with these simple DIY decorations!

DIY decorations for Halloween
Vito De Natale
Vito De Natale

How to decorate the house for Halloween

For some years now in Italy we celebrate Halloween:
as well as in the USA, even here children of all ages dress up as witches and wizards - and not only - visiting the houses of friends, relatives and neighbors asking for sweets and threatening with jokes.

Beyond the value of the celebration, it may be a good opportunity to test your dexterity with simple homemade decorations, maybe made with the help of our little pests!

Somen History of Halloween

To better identify with the spirit of the story, here's a few words about its origins and the symbols associated with it.
Meanwhile, the term Halloween comes from the corruption of the phrase All Hallows Even, or the night before All Saints Day.

The typical carved pumpkin which looks scary derives from the custom, first from the Irish and then from the Scottish, to realize small lanterns using simple turnips:
these accounted for the souls in Purgatory.

In the USA, turnips were replaced by pumpkins, available in large quantities.

Even the big question trick or treat? Has its own history:
it seems that this practice begins in the Late Middle Ages when, particularly in Ireland and Great Britain, on All Saints Day the poor were going house to house asking for food in return for prayers.
All this explains the disguises a decidedly gloomy.

Decorations for Halloween: projects easy to reproduce

Here for you a small selection of decorations for the house from the web site by Martha Stewart, the undisputed queen of the American way of life.
Moreover, the fact that in America this party is very concerned is demonstrated by the large number of innovations, products and disguises that from year to year are proposed.

So here's some ideas interesting and easy to realize.

Lighted pumpkin: a classic Halloween decoration

The proposal is to create the classic lantern using a pumpkin that will be made unique through the choice to characterize the features.
First you need to purchase a pumpkin shaped as regular as possible and with a nice orange tone.

Zucca tagliata per decorare la tavola per Halloween
With the aid of a knife make a hole on the pumpkin that has the diameter of at least 10 cm so as to allow the easy insertion of the candle: Using an awl and a spoon provide then to empty the pumpkin. Once done the hardest part of the job, you go to the more creative: Shaping the lantern.

To do this you need to design or print individual components of the face, making sure they are as original as possible: fixed the clippings on the pumpkin with tape and make them by using a knife for the finishes.
Once completed, insert a small candle inside the pumpkin and the work is done.

Candy for Halloween

Really cute idea to dye the house in an original way and the time of trick or treat is to make yourself some wonderful bags for the candies.

For this project you need:

- Cellophane transparent bags;
- Orange Bristol board;
- Scissors for decorative cut;
- Markers black, white, bright orange;
- Transparent tape;

Cut a piece of cardboard with a diameter of the plastic bag, decorate giving it the appearance of a carved pumpkin; define the upper edge with pinking shears and use invisible tape to secure it around a bag of candy.

Close the bag with a wire covered with green crepe paper (available already nice and ready) and it's done!

Branch with flying bats for Halloween

Pipistrelli come decorazione per Halloween, by Martha Stewart The realization of this work is really easy and the result is of great effect
To create it you need the black cards, black acrylic, nylon thread, wire and a dry branch as the one in the photo.

The first thing to do is to draw the silhouettes of bats on the card stock and cut them out, making sure to pierce them to the center.

To have a more animated effect you can make the shapes in different sizes.

Without this, if you like the idea, you can choose to paint the branch in black; the effect will definitely be more in line with the spirit of the celebration.
As a matter of purely personal taste I would leave it natural, thus accentuating even the realistic look of the work.

To tie the bats to the branches use the nylon thread: an end will be tied to the branch and another tucked into the hole at the center of our bats and then tied.

To get a more realistic, the advice is to vary the lengths of nylon threads so as to give greater movement to the installation.
To secure it to a wall use iron wire: its thickness will vary depending on the weight of the branch therefore it should be chosen with care.

Halloween garland

Ghirlanda di Halloween, by Martha Stewart What's better than a creepy Halloween wreath to hang on the door to let the guests in the spirit of the party?

This is a fairly simple realization for which are required a coil of wire for florists, available in flower shops but also at well-supplied hardware, the vine shoots, black paint acrylic spray and brush, plastic snakes, which in this period they are easily found in toy stores.

The first step is to paint the vines and reptiles with black paint and let it dry in the meantime we realize our wreath by wrapping the wire around itself and painting it black with spray paint.

The advice is to use a round base around which you roll up the wire so as to obtain a regular shape.
When this is done, set to your taste the vines and snakes using if necessary the exceeded wire.

Other Halloween decorations

Maintaining the same thread, we can indulge in creating the most diverse decorations for the house and the table, all perfect for Halloween.

Biscuits in the shape of bats coated with sugar, the scary balloons, cut plates, curtains, paper, with ghosts.
In the Gallery, many other nice ideas and simple to make, to surprise our guests and entertain the little ones!

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