Decorating doors

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Decorating techniques for interior doors, as we realize various techniques: gilding gold leaf, collage and glued paper, graffiti and forms in plaster.

Decorating doors
Erika Casali
Erika Casali

Doors and room dividers

Modern life is characterized by increasingly frenetic changes, and also the living space changes in response to the new needs.
The need to obtain new spaces where to carry out daily activities, has led to new solutions of interior design, able to modify the environment without creating fractures with the original structure, but rather trying to bring out the best of its ability.

Decorazione porte: pannello separatorio So you can, for example, derive a dining room or a study hall, through the use of sliding doors, or optimize the space of the hall with a large closet.
It can also happen that you need to have a meeting room or a visitors room, to meet a client, in this case it might be worth a divider panel.

This does not mean, however, that the dividers must represent a disadvantage, but that they can rather help to enhance the character of the room through the decorations.

Decorating doors in history

Decorazione porte: porta scorrevole salone Paintings, sculptures, decorative painting, ornamental painting of furniture and frames, allow you to manipulate the room, modifying it and at the same time acting as decorative elements, as demonstrated by the use of doors or partitions depicted in all the classical art until 1900s.

To take an interest in this form of furniture in which there are notes of art was, among others, Marcel Duchamp, who with the door Door, 11 rue Larrey, 1927, creates the first proposal of a work of modern art as a functional piece of furniture.

The design was developed to highlight the need for common objects and elevate them to the leading role of the living environment, making them objects of art capable of characterizing the space.
The door, or partition, becomes a picture or theatrical backdrop, without losing its essential function.

Decorating doors: How can we make them

Decorazione porte: ante scorrevoli salone To make an artist able to create an ad hoc sketch, you must listen to the needs of the client or of the interior designer, and be in possession of the design guidelines, such as plans, choice of colors,the furnitures.
In concrete terms, all information is useful to ensure a good result.

Once agreed the style and techniques, the artist will create the work in his studio, on the support provided by the customer, or on request, by a craftsman agreed.
The realization of this kind of work is possible both for classic decor and for modern, in accordance with the proposed project of furniture, both in style and technique.
Decorazione porte: armadio arredo giardinoDecorazione porte: classico

Doors decorating techniques

These works proposed by Patrizia Trevisi , are carried out directly on the support, proceeding with various artistic techniques.

Decorazione porte: doratura a foglie d'oro Decoration with gold-leaf gilding.

The artist intervenes with the traditional browning, consisting of thin sheets of gold on the support glued with a glue called mission, through the use of acids and reagents, obtaining a new chromatic proposal made of tones and colors completelyl original.

Decorazione porte: porta scorrevole sala pranzo Collage and glued paper.

The use of paper glued with rice glue and painted with pigments and clays colorat and then protected with a paint finish, gives to the surface interesting materic and chromatic texture.

Decorazione porte: ante armadio corridoio e porta scorrevole camera da letto graffiti su gesso Decoration with graffiti.

A very low thickness of chalk and glue, about 2 mm, lying on a support of multilayers or plywood, allows the realization of graffiti and engravings on the surface, that trace signs and symbols, putting the work in an intense dynamic relationship of lights and shadows with the furnished space.

Decorazione porte: cappa camino decorata con moduli in gesso- sala pranzoPlaster modules as decoration.

On a volume of plywood cut into square modules in size from approximately 15x15cm to 45x45cm x 1cm, are made small casts of plaster and glue. Then the panels or modules are modeled and painted with pigments, getting small colored reliefs that give together a strong idea of sculpture.

Mixed techniques of decoration.

Decorazione porte: parete scenografica ad ante scorrevoli - salone You can paint with the color directly on the substrate in multilayer with pigments and glue, acrylics, oil paints and vinyl, which will subsequently be protected during the processing of a new phase, through the use of a specific anti-scratch coating, suitable to ensure both its maintenance and durability.

Where to go?

Decorazione porte: porta salone decorata a grottesche  stile fine 700 To give new life to the house, through the decoration of doors and partitions, you can contact the artist Patrizia Trevisi.

Patrizia Trevisi creates bas-reliefs, forms, graffiti and paintings made on wall panels, walls, doors, that can be used for the furnishing of hotels, conference rooms, show rooms, private homes.
She collaborates with large architectural firms and interior design.
Via Portuense, 956 ROME Italy
Phone: +39.335.6888915 or click here:

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