Egg Separators

Post from Editorials

Among the innovations in the sector of kitchen tools, egg separators are interesting and practical products that help with one simple gesture.

Egg Separators
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

separatore uovo Once it took only a quick and safe flick of the hand: a knock knock on the edge of the bowl and the game was done. At least for expert housewives, used to break the eggs for cakes, fresh pasta and various dishes in the kitchen.

Today, however, is no longer so. Just think about how many types of eggs you can find at the supermarket and you don't necessarily find the in the standard look. If we walk through the various departments, it will be easy to run into egg yolks already packed and well separated, pasteurized and in some cases very far from the original form.

But for those who still want to do this manually, maybe perfecting their technique to separate the yolks from the egg white, there are now a number of dedicated tools, to be used easily and fast, with excellent results. They are called separators and take advantage of the down-slope of the bag that contains the yolk, without breaking it.

Types of egg separators

separatori, colour worksThere are different separators. It is enough to take a tour on Amazon, enter your search term, and many really curious objects pop out, essentially equipped with a handle and space, usually circular, to break the shell and slide the yolk and the egg white into separate zones.

An example? The egg separator Pedrini, specifically for sweets, with the central area for egg yolk and shell breaker.

Or the colorful silicone separators of the collection Colour works, by the English brand Kitchen Crafts, specialized in kitchen tools and products, both for domestic and professional use.

Within the extensive collection, a series of objects and products for the kitchen, decorated with bright colors and characteristic, through the use of silicone.
Drainer, either in whole collapsible that for those with limited space, spatulas, spoons, whisks and more, designed with a modern and friendly design, without sacrificing functionality and professionalism. Prices? Very good. Take a ride on the site, it's worth it.

If you are looking for something even simpler, the brand Brandani, which is also specialized in kitchen products and tools, offers free standing plastic separators very colorful, which allow you to break the eggs still using the edge of the bowl as it once was and simply overturn the contents within the space provided, in which the yolk will remain trapped, without breaking.

Prototypes and ideas

And in the magical world of modern kitchen products, new and strange, that already long ago we analyzed emphasizing how they evolved over time activities related to cooking, there are those who thought to take advantage of already existing tools, innovating the formula and inserting one more function.
It is the designer Ivan Zhang, who has studied how to increase the functionality of a classical kitchen whisk, inserting inside a separator, obtained by simply bending some parts of the rays that form the tool.

separatore yolkr

Or again, from Auckland, New Zealand, who has even thought to intervene on the technique of separating the yolk from the egg white, reversing the classic method, to avoid more and more to break the yolk.

I'm talking about Hamish Dobbie, a young engineer, who has decided to use the technique of aspiration, to separate the two sides.

So, thanks to the creative platform Kick Starter, which helps the funding of projects and prototypes for donation from below, has launched a fundraising for his idea, reaching even to the prototyping of Yolkr and sales, with a fairly reasonable price.

Yolkr is actually an handy and practical tool, available in multiple colors, which allows, beyond the basic idea of use, to achieve even greater hygiene, thus avoiding contact between the outer shell and egg content, often dangerous for the spread of bacteria.

The operation is simple: Yolkr acts by aspiration. Once you broke the egg in a bowl, the tool sucks the yolk, without breaking it, and return it completely cleaned from white and perfect for those operations where is required a so meticulous separation. Additionally, the use is simple and well suited for children or elderly person, no longer very capable with the movements.

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