Design - Choosing to build according to the dictates of green building is a reality now increasingly shared by technicians and especially by ordinary citizens.
Design - Copper, thanks to its intrinsic characteristics, is one of the most versatile material that can be used in architecture and furnishing.
Furniture - The perforated metal sheet has its own space in the world of architecture as a decorative element and as a separation element. Its forms and colors decorate with an original twist.
Home Improvement - The ceramic continues to be the most common material used as a coating in the house: the new tile collections link on the versatility of the material.
Design - Italy won with Team Dencity Rhome at the latest edition of Solar Decathlon Europe 2014, a true Olympiad of sustainable architecture.
Design - The kenaf fiber, natural and eco friendly, it is a perfect material to create acoustic and thermal insulation panels for bio architecture.
Design - The stairs are architectural elements that leave ample room for the imagination of the designer, the choice of form, however, is critical, let's see why.
Design - The charm of a unique, timeless design: the Scandinavian style is THE DESIGN par excellence. From Alvar Aalto to Slow Design
Home Improvement - Here's how to solve the problem of overheating of the cover surface, the cool roof, a new system that adopts the basic principles of architecture.
Fixtures - The choice of the type of door is fundamental to the creation of a welcoming environment, its relationship with the furniture makes the space eye-catching.