Diy - To make the house cool in summer there are air conditioners and fans, but also many natural systems that reduce energy consumption.
Home Improvement - Here's how to solve the problem of overheating of the cover surface, the cool roof, a new system that adopts the basic principles of architecture.
Furniture - Christmas can be a good time to refresh the look of the house: new accessories and small furnishings that give the right tone to the environments.
Furniture - Choosing the light for your house is very important, requires care and attention, both for the position and for the type of light, hot or cold.
Kitchen - To celebrate with friends, the wine must be fresh. Here are the baskets and the original coolers to keep the bottles cold.
Home Improvement - The Itten's color wheel, showing relationships between colors, can guide us when it comes to choose and match the design of our home.
Furniture - You can illuminate any environment with elegance with battery-powered lamps and, above all, without the problematic circumstances caused by electrical cables. They are also perfect for the outdoor spaces of your house.
Kitchen - The main feature of a blast chiller is to allow the retention of all the organoleptic qualities of the treated food.
Bath - Take advantage of the technology without using electricity, pay bills and especially without polluting? Today, there are no current appliances.
Systems - For proper design, one of the key is a valid use of light sources, the choice of lighting and their disposal.