Vegetable garden in the balcony

Garden in the city

Garden in the city

Garden - Tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, basil and mint from the garden to the table? Here is a little advice to handle your personal garden in the city.
Balcony lights

Balcony lights

Garden - Here is a series of simple but classy ideas, accurate in design, useful in order to furnish your balconies with lamps, wall lights and lanterns.
Balcony furniture

Balcony furniture

Garden - The balcony furniture, thanks to the many compositions available, is able to make any outdoor space, even the smallest ones, functional and at the same time amazing to look at.
Fragrant plants on the balcony

Fragrant plants on the balcony

Garden - On your balcony you can create a small green space, enriched with fragrant or aromatic plants able to spread their scent inside the house.
Designing the space in the garden

Designing the space in the garden

Garden - When designing a garden, large or small, the important steps to take are related to the choice of its function and, mostly to its style and the plants.
Pottering in the garden in April

Pottering in the garden in April

Garden - The month of April marks for gardening enthusiasts, a period of intense activity, which lay the foundations of what will be the garden in the future.
Small garden at home

Small garden at home

Garden - Growing a vegetable garden in the city is a passion for many and is also cost effective. Here are some ideas in order to do it in a comfortable and smart way.
Furnishing the garden with stones

Furnishing the garden with stones

Garden - Furnishing the garden with stones is a natural way to play with the space and its elements, you need just a little imagination to transform your garden.
Mirrors in the garden

Mirrors in the garden

Garden - How can make garden look more big and airy, with the simple use of some mirrors inside.
How to use mirrors in the garden

How to use mirrors in the garden

Garden - The power of the mirrors in the garden: to conceal old walls, bare walls, corners not too lush or simply to amplify the effect of the green!
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