Diy - For the activities of DIY home drilling of masonry walls, wood or other materials is an operation that occurs frequently and requires a minimum of technique.
Kitchen - A very particular type of kitchen layout is that with worktop shaped so as to make quite enveloping the layout itself, in the cooking and washing area.
Kitchen - Dedicated to those who love traditional sinks and hobs, as much well integrated as possible with the worktop, perhaps in stone or stone effect.
Furniture - Wood is a natural material that gives warm sensations. Now it is also the emblem of sustainability and therefore the undisputed star of new design products.
Bath - The marble becomes protagonist of the living: the companies use the bathroom more often to produce tanks with great aesthetic value.
Home Improvement - Consumers continue to prefer the wood look over ceramic, and the market seems like to satisfy them with products that improve more and more from the point of view of quality.
Home Improvement - One of the most noticeable trends, found in the current ceramic production, is the creation of collections of tiles in sizes bigger and bigger.
Systems - Natural ventilation is the most straightforward method for the exchange of air in the house, in winter and summer, but what are the most efficient alternatives on the market?
Diy - For those who are looking for a sewing machine for domestic use, let us see what are the features to consider when purchasing one.
Garden - Parasites of geraniums can be eliminated by watering plants correctly and using natural or chemical products, also with preventive and curative action.