Heating panels

Living in the attic

Living in the attic

Furniture - Furnish an attic can be a real challenge, given the typical conformation of these spaces. Let's see some design solutions to make it better.
Furnish attic

Furnish attic

Design - Designing and decorating a loft means you get an intimate and relaxing space, more and more required, particularly in big cities.
Convertible pool table

Convertible pool table

Furniture - The convertible pool table is a versatile complement that allows you to play comfortably at home and to furnish all environments with extreme elegance.
Wardrobes with sliding doors

Wardrobes with sliding doors

Furniture - When in the bedroom space is lacking, a great space-saving remedy is to choose a cabinet with sliding doors, which combines design and functionality.
Coatings for the bathroom

Coatings for the bathroom

Bath - The coatings of the bathroom must be such as to withstand sudden changes in temperature, humidity and steam and the formation of condense which characterize this environment.
Tailored wall unit

Tailored wall unit

Design - The wall unit is the solution to encompass in a single structure different functions: dividing spaces, containing books and objects, hidden by filtering natural light.
Wall units: selection guide

Wall units: selection guide

Furniture - A wall unit can be realized in a classic or modern style, although a solution typical of contemporary designs. Let's see some models.
Mini kitchens

Mini kitchens

Kitchen - Mini kitchens and compact blocks but with everything you need to cook every recipe: it is the future that awaits us, given the current trend of more and more small houses?
Furniture in paper and cardboard

Furniture in paper and cardboard

Furniture - Paper and cardboard are recyclable, lightweight and apparently poor but actually they are a great resource in the design world and beyond.


Furniture - The playroom is space for children to express themselves with imagination and creativity. Here is a series of proposals for furnishing!
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