Oscillating fans

Wine cellar to measure

Wine cellar to measure

Design - How to design and build a wine cellar, deriving it from unusual spaces such as small niches, vertical or horizontal, customizing various rooms.
Books for the house as a gift at Christmas

Books for the house as a gift at Christmas

Furniture - Here are some suggestions for a gift at Christmas: books can provide creative ideas for decorating home, or simply to travel with the imagination.
Swings at home

Swings at home

Furniture - Decorate your home by opening the door to unusual furniture, like real swings, hanging from the ceiling, designed for adults and children.
Cut and drill the glass

Cut and drill the glass

Diy - Cutting the glass is a delicate operation, however, it can also be performed independently with great accuracy if you use the right tools.
Wood holder

Wood holder

Furniture - If your fireplace does not provide a space architecturally integrated to contain the wood you can purchase a container to be placed next to it, even of design.
Stoves programmable by remote control

Stoves programmable by remote control

Systems - Being able to remotely control the heating of the house has two big advantages: ensuring living comfort and save in the bill.
Store in a kitchen

Store in a kitchen

Kitchen - How to better organize the preservation of food supplies in a kitchen by using modern systems and traditional protection of hygiene and functionality.
Teapots design

Teapots design

Kitchen - Tea is an ancient ritual and a drink spread throughout the world: a time to interpret, through teapots full of character, personality and design
Ultra thin stoves and heaters

Ultra thin stoves and heaters

Systems - The traditional electric heater, now takes more modern forms, improving its design, its performance and reducing its consumption. Here are some models.
Solar shade

Solar shade

Fixtures - To avoid thermal overload using low emissivity glass and solar shading that intercept the light radiation before it reaches the fixtures.
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