Kitchen - Even the refrigerator is a piece of furniture that can be easily customized through different techniques, such as magnets, stickers and color.
Design - Warming up with an old technology mixed with modern materials is now possible, here is the new tiled stove with hypocaust heating system.
Home Improvement - The affixing of panels or rolls of hemp fiber enables the achievement of thermal comfort and increases the isolation also from the acoustic point of view.
Furniture - If you love painting, to give an extra touch of home furnishings you can choose furniture and accessories for the home inspired by famous works of art in the world.
Design - The epoxy filler used as filler between tiles and adhesive coating, has excellent characteristics including high hygiene and resistance.
Diy - At home can often arise the need of small and repairs that can be carried out independently, so here is how to solve common problems.
Home Improvement - The fake stone panels, precast, are for the home and give warmth, beauty and decorative relief decided by the visual impact!
Home Improvement - The implementation to art of stone veneer on the walls of the house as a coating, contributes to determining a result of satisfactory finish.
Design - The hammock is not only for external use but also an hanging bed for the indoor, to hung within the home, to the walls or the ceiling.
Home Improvement - If you have problems with thermal insulation in your houses, you must intervene painting breathable thermal insulation which is a simple and inexpensive solution.