Vintage parquet

Contemporary rugs

Contemporary rugs

Furniture - There are many aspects you have to consider if you have decided to furnish your home with contemporary rugs: from shape to color, from position to new proposals, get all the information before you make a decision.
Custom kitchen

Custom kitchen

Kitchen - Organize a satisfactory environment dedicated to the kitchen is essential because only in this way we will be able to work comfortably.
Furnishing ideas and pink finishes

Furnishing ideas and pink finishes

Furniture - To soften the winter we think of pink, star of many proposals of furniture for interiors. Feminine and delicate, it suits many complements for the house.
Gift Ideas for Christmas

Gift Ideas for Christmas

Furniture - Christmas is coming, better to move in time to find gifts. Here is a set of ideas designed for those who love the house, design and cuisine.
Floating garden, what it is and how to make it

Floating garden, what it is and how to make it

Garden - The floating garden is the perfect solution for those who want to add a green touch to small domestic environments: here's how you can do it.
Tips for choosing your Luxury Kitchen

Tips for choosing your Luxury Kitchen

Kitchen - Luxury kitchens make us dream: among the various brands there are also names of great fashion houses that can be chosen to furnish your home.
Coatings for the bathroom

Coatings for the bathroom

Bath - The coatings of the bathroom must be such as to withstand sudden changes in temperature, humidity and steam and the formation of condense which characterize this environment.
Preview of Salone del Mobile 2014

Preview of Salone del Mobile 2014

Furniture - In the preview, from manufacturers of furniture and accessories, some new long-awaited samples, in view of the Salone del Mobile 2014. Let's see some.
Wall units: selection guide

Wall units: selection guide

Furniture - A wall unit can be realized in a classic or modern style, although a solution typical of contemporary designs. Let's see some models.
Wallpaper for children

Wallpaper for children

Furniture - The wallpaper for children is an optimal solution to decorate your room and have patterns and designs for inspiration for the choice of the rest of the complements.
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