Furniture - Excessive forms, bright colors, provocation and irony! Here is a brief selection of funny furniture that is worth to know and maybe buy.
Furniture - Sofas and armchairs with high backrest help to define, in a decisive way, the decor of the living area: let's see some examples on display at the Salone del Mobile 2014.
Furniture - The upholstered seats are comfortable and elegant complements, ideal for any type of space. Let's find out which are some of the new products which have been released in 2021.
Home Improvement - A fireplace to separate or a fireplace to unite? Both. Let's see a simple idea on how to set up a plan for a living room starting from a single element.
Design - The Art Decò style, after one hundred years from its birth, can still be very trendy and many people choose to furnish the rooms of their house with refined and elegant taste.
Furniture - Some guidance on how to navigate in the selection and award of a decoration or a chair made using recycled leather or real leather.
Design - Some useful tips and examples for the design and implementation of measurement of an internal staircase to view an apartment.
Furniture - Red is a color that refers to the Christmas atmosphere, but it is also one of the colors that you can choose to feature an original decor of the house.
Garden - The theme of the chair is one of the leading in furnishing for outdoor use, and it is interpreted by designers and planners in a more and more original and creative way.
Furniture - Study area in the living room. Desk and chair in walnut, armchair for reading; floor lamp with swing arm, which directs the light. Compared with minimal sliding planes.